• Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits

    As the role of the employer continues to expand (as well as the expectations of employees), join us to discuss some recent employee benefits trends and practices. We will take a closer look at healthcare trends and key cost drivers like prescription drugs, large claims, wellbeing, and compliance.

  • Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits

    Human Resources professionals know that keeping abreast of current legal developments are of the highest importance. NEHRA'S Legal Update Webinars will run each quarter, covering the key developments in employment law and issues of current concern for employers and human resources professionals. Led by Dan Klein, a partner in the Labor and Employment Department of Seyfarth Shaw's Boston office, the Webinar will be an informative hour that will help ensure that you are up to speed in this vital area. Free to NEHRA members, we know that you won't want to miss this informative program!

  • Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits

    This program is intended to help us understand where mental health stigma can reside within our workplace cultures.. and what to do about it. Stigma is a word often used, but seldom operationalized. This session will help HR professionals better understand employees’ mental health experiences, highlight institutional stigma, and provide specific steps and practices that employers can take to change their workplace culture surrounding mental health.

  • Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits

    Successful businesses are dynamic! They innovate, grow and are constantly striving to better serve the current and future needs of their customers. But as businesses change, so do their needs for their own people. Our discussion will focus around why prioritizing the “4Cs” will help create a thriving, dynamic People Experience for your employees. For a Diamond, the 4Cs describe Color, Clarity, Cut and Carat weight. For a Dynamic People Experience, the 4Cs describe Cost, Compliance, Culture, and Continuity. Cost: What costs are associated with business operations? Insurance, technology, human capital management, etc.? Compliance: Understanding risks to your business and colleagues Culture: Is your People Experience aligned across teams; career, social, physical, financial and community wellbeing? Continuity: Alignment of Executive, Finance, Legal, Finance, Operations and Human Resources teams towards jointly defined goals Allocating time to define the 4Cs will help give all parties a deeper understanding of your corporate culture, exposure for all decision makers to ensure a cohesive strategic direction, and accelerated internal/external business partnerships. Join Jeff Bastien of RogersGray on Wednesday, March 20th at 12pm as we walk through a case study of an organization that used the 4Cs to create a Dynamic People Experience for their employees and learn how to apply them to your own organization.

  • Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits

    Discover how to use workplace AI tools to perform common HR functions and tasks. This workshop equips you with practical skills for using artificial intelligence tools in the workplace. In this workshop, you will learn about different types of AI prompts and how to use them effectively. You will also explore the features and structure of creating effective AI prompts and discover how to design useful prompts for workplace tasks.

  • Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits

    Human Resources professionals know that keeping abreast of current legal developments are of the highest importance. NEHRA'S Legal Update Webinars will run each quarter, covering the key developments in employment law and issues of current concern for employers and human resources professionals. Led by Dan Klein, a partner in the Labor and Employment Department of Seyfarth Shaw's Boston office, the Webinar will be an informative hour that will help ensure that you are up to speed in this vital area. Free to NEHRA members, we know that you won't want to miss this informative program!

  • Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits

    Explore the latest technologies, trends, and issues related to workplace AI in HR. This workshop will introduce you to generative artificial intelligence (AI) and its applications in human resources. Through live demonstrations and discussions, you will learn about the features and functionality of common AI tools like ChatGPT. You will also explore the potential of these tools to improve productivity and efficiency through demonstrations of practical use cases for using AI in business and human resources settings.

  • Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits

    Join us for this session where we will cover Mercer’s latest research into compensation trends and Mercer’s perspective on staying competitive in this dynamic market. Key Take Aways/ Learning Objectives Likely will focus on: - Macro-environmental factors concerning pay and TR - Compensation trends - Pay Transparency and Pay Equity - Pay for Skills - Tangible information that can help drive and influence your pay philosophy and overall people strategies concerning compensation and TR

  • Contains 3 Component(s)

    "You cannot change the past, but I dare say you might learn something from it" - Time Come join us for a story filled, data supported lively discussion about navigating the “the new normal” for HR (can we even say that anymore?). From the individualized needs of this present workforce to the compelling reason to focus on engagement as the goal line and how to get it all done on the shoestring budget we have, this session will be filled with insight. Learn as much from our speaker as from your peers as we share successful tactics and maybe a laugh or two at what went horribly wrong. During this webinar Sara Collins, AVP & Strategic Employee Benefits Consultant at HUB International, will speak on: HR 2.0: The shift of HR post-COVID What is the true ROI of engaged employees? Retention and Productivity! What tools and methodologies help align benefit strategies to target retention and recruitment of talent for a quality employee experience. Join us for an inside take on the employee experience and HR.

  • Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits

    The more we talk about self-doubt, the more people will think, "Maybe not all our leaders have that confidence I expect, and if I have self-doubt then that's okay too."' Jacinda Ardern New Zealand Prime Minister, December 2020. Everyone has doubt. Whether it’s thinking that you don’t have enough or the right information to make a decision, you are hesitant to speak up in a meeting because you aren’t sure of your opinion, or you are questioning your ability to get a job done, doubt can cripple our confidence, hamper our effectiveness at work, and prevent us from achieving our professional goals. However, we are hardwired to doubt, and our professional happiness and effectiveness can be greatly improved if we stop thinking of doubt as the enemy, and see doubt as an ally that can drive growth and development. Think of the number of times that you did something – a new hobby, a new job, a decision at work. Did you go into it with 100% certainty? Most likely, you had some doubt, uncertainty, or something that you didn’t know. Seeking better or more information can be helpful at times, but chasing certainty is futile. Regarding certainty, many leaders would say “if you’re that clear, you’ve probably missed something.” Successful leaders learn how to use to doubt to protect against this false sense of security. In this discussion, you will: - Understand what happens to the brain when doubt and uncertainty occur and how that impacts our actions and reactions - Learn how to turn doubt from a source of anxiety to a source of focus and insight - Identify how to channel your doubt to increase your humility and curiosity.