NEHRA’s Online Learning Lab: Missed Messages! Avoiding the dreaded employee communication black holes

Includes a Live Web Event on 09/11/2024 at 12:00 PM (EDT)

Come spend an hour with Andrea, Michael and Stacy, communication strategy gurus from HUB International’s Communication & Design (C&D) Team. This phenomenal team drives exceptional communication methods for thousands of employers across the United States.  In this casual session the C&D experts will delight you with creative and simple tips to effectively communicate with your employees. Dive into the art and science of employee communication with them to better understand how crucial effective communication is for fostering a productive and engaged workforce. Plan for a few pop-quizzes, strategies you can deploy immediately and some laughs!  In the meantime, feel free to peek at the C&D teams award-winning portfolio for creative inspiration

What You’ll Learn:

  • Creating great content: Tricks to engaging, inclusive messaging; [hint] employees love to be entertained
  • Multi-channel engagement: Easy to do methods for effectively using traditional and digital media; think videos and postcards with QR Codes
  • What not to do: The black hole pitfalls you want to avoid; [let’s all repeat] “keep it simple!”

Sponsored by: HUB International



NEHRA’s Online Learning Lab: Missed Messages! Avoiding the dreaded employee communication black holes
09/11/2024 at 12:00 PM (EDT)  |  60 minutes
09/11/2024 at 12:00 PM (EDT)  |  60 minutes Come spend an hour with Andrea, Michael and Stacy, communication strategy gurus from HUB International’s Communication & Design (C&D) Team. This phenomenal team drives exceptional communication methods for thousands of employers across the United States. In this casual session the C&D experts will delight you with creative and simple tips to effectively communicate with your employees. Dive into the art and science of employee communication with them to better understand how crucial effective communication is for fostering a productive and engaged workforce. Plan for a few pop-quizzes, strategies you can deploy immediately and some laughs! In the meantime, feel free to peek at the C&D teams award-winning portfolio for creative inspiration What You’ll Learn: Creating great content: Tricks to engaging, inclusive messaging; [hint] employees love to be entertained Multi-channel engagement: Easy to do methods for effectively using traditional and digital media; think videos and postcards with QR Codes What not to do: The black hole pitfalls you want to avoid; [let’s all repeat] “keep it simple!”
Survey - NEHRA’s Online Learning Lab: Missed Messages! Avoiding the dreaded employee communication black holes
6 Questions
6 Questions A quick survey to evaluate the effectiveness of this NEHRA session (3-4 minutes max)